Why are my windows always dirty?

Here at Prudential Window Cleaning, we pride ourselves on being the experts on all things related to windows. We want to bust any myths that individuals believe about windows, and offer help and advice on how to best look after them. One problem you may be facing are dirty windows, and perhaps you are stuck here asking yourself, why are my windows always dirty? We are here to provide the answer and give you some advice on how to tackle this issue.

Perhaps the reason your windows are always dirty is related to how old your windows are. Over time, seals which connect the layers in the window together can break down. When this happens, argon can be released and air will enter along with moisture. As moisture repeatedly evaporates, it can deposit smudges and dirt on the inside of the layers of the glass, where you are unable to clean and reach.

This is the real reason why some windows may never look clean, and thus shows that it is not related to how well you are scrubbing that glass. Another reason may be down to the amount of pollution in the region you live in. If the area is one with a lot of pollution, dirt and debris will collect on the surface much more quickly.

If you want to clean your window due to broken seals, then you can have the window removed, clean the inside, replace the argon and then fix the seals before reinstalling. Really, the best advice we can give is to get in touch with a professional, such as Prudential Window Cleaning, and we will figure out the root of the problem.

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